So the Oscars are nearly here. As a movie lover, this used to be a big event for me. Before kids. Before I had no time to go to the movie theater. Before my TV was taken over by “Thomas the Train” instead of very cool on-demand movies. I used to make a point of seeing all of the nominations for Best Picture, Director and Screenplay. I planned my morning commute on the day the nominations were announced so I could catch them live.
Not so much anymore. But, hey, I heard Cars 2 is coming out this summer — that’ll be fun.
I’m having my annual guilt about not having seen most of this year’s nominated films. So, without any authority on who should win this year, I’ll instead write about my favorite movies of Oscars Past — both real and imagined.
In alphabetical order (since I can’t rank them), these are my favorite movies ever.
Almost Famous (2000) — Oscar for Best Original Screenplay (Cameron Crowe). Nominated for Best Supporting Actress (Frances McDormand and Kate Hudson) and Best Editing
Imaginary Oscar: Best Cast Singalong
A coming of age story is one of the oldest themes out there, but this is just done so well — especially since it’s supposedly based on director Cameron Crowe’s own experiences. And against the backdrop of 1970s music and all its overindulgences. I don’t care if you love Elton John or not (OK, I care a little — you should love his older stuff), but you can’t *not* love that “Tiny Dancer” group singalong on the bus. Also, the amazing moment when Billy Crudup’s character finally answers the question: “What do you love about music” and it launches into the whole ending sequence…complete with Led Zeppelin…Oh, I love it so much.

American History X (1998) — Nominated for Best Actor (Edward Norton).
Imaginary Oscar: Best Ongoing View of Edward Norton’s Abs Best Skinhead in a Leading Role
This movie is more violent than most I’d typically watch, but Edward Norton is amazing in this role. A total and complete badass. The whole thing is a heartbreaking and very real look at the White Supremacist movement in our country.
Annie Hall (1977) — Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actress (Diane Keaton), Best Original Screenplay (Woody Allen), Best Director (Woody Allen). Nominated for Best Actor (Woody Allen)
Imaginary Oscar: Best Opening Sequence of a Movie
I know I said I can’t rank them but this is my all-time favorite movie, start to finish. Even if you think you hate Woody Allen, just give this a try sometime. For me. Especially if you love When Harry Met Sally because, psssst, that movie is borrowed heavily from Annie Hall.
Casablanca (1942) — Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. Nominated for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Original Score
Imaginary Oscar: Best Global Love Triangle
Of course Victor and Rick both wanted Ingrid Bergman. Stunning. So, ladies, what would you have done in Ingrid’s shoes? Me, I think I can safely say I would have stayed in Casablanca and lived in the casino with Rick, even if he remained emotionally unavailable. Because we gals often gravitate towards the complicated stuff. And I wouldn’t be much good at outrunning the Nazis.
Cinema Paradiso (1988) — Oscar for Best Foreign Film
Imaginary Oscar: Best Non-Gangster Italian Film
Another coming of age film. Quiet and gorgeous and will make you want to sit in an old-time movie theater with a huge glass of Chianti. Ah, Alfredo — we all should have had someone like you in our childhood.
Double Indemnity (1944) — Nominated for Best Picture, Best Actress (Barbara Stanwyck), Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Score, Best Sound Recording.
Imaginary Oscar: Best Cheesy Dialogue

I know I said Ed Norton was a badass but I think that Barbara Stanwyck may be able to take him down. She was that good — the original Femme Fatale. Angelina Jolie, you could learn a thing or two from Barb.
Fargo (1996) — Oscars for Best Actress (Frances MacDormand) and Best Original Screenplay (Joel & Ethan Coen). Nominated for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (William H. Macy), Best Cinematography, Best Director, Best Editing
Imaginary Oscar: Best Use of a Wood Chipper
Oh, Frances MacDormand. Oh, William H Macy. Oh, Steve Buscemi. Which of you do I love most in this movie? I really couldn’t say. Dark, dark humor against a blaring white North Dakota winter backdrop. Crime, used cars and a very pregnant police officer. Hats off, Coen Brothers, hats off. Their very best, as far as I’m concerned.

Goodfellas (1990) — Oscar for Best Supporting Actor (Joe Pesci). Nominated for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actress (Lorraine Bracco), Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Editing
Imaginary Oscar: Best Handheld Shot
So this movie made me want to marry a gangster when I first saw it at age 19. Ray Liotta fucking rocked in this role. And Martin Scorsese, who often calls the music in his films “the soundtrack of my life,” just nails this. Here’s the handheld camera shot I referenced in my fake Oscar. Not one cut. Crazy. And with The Crystals (“And Then He Kissed Me”) to boot. Who doesn’t love a good back entrance tour of the Copa? (I can’t find a clip of this anywhere that will embed into the page, so sorry for the pop-up.)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) — Oscars for Best Supporting Actor (Michael Caine), Best Supporting Actress (Dianne Wiest) and Best Original Screenplay (Woody Allen). Nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Editing and Best Set Design.
Imaginary Oscar: Best Husband Swapping
Mia Farrow. Dianne Wiest. Barbara Hershey. Sir Michael Caine. I think I’m done selling this one. If you haven’t already, please see it.
Lost in Translation (2003) — Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. Nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor (Bill Murray) and Best Director.
Imaginary Oscar: Best Mystery Ending Line. Best Karaoke Scene
You are a little dead inside if the end of this movie did not get you. Bill Murray’s unknown whisper at the end, right into Jesus & Mary Chain’s “Just Like Honey” — I was a mess. Plus a fabulous cover of Roxy Music by Bill Murray. What a great, great movie.
Manhattan (1979) — Nominated for Best Supporting Actress (Mariel Hemingway) and Best Original Screenplay (Woody Allen)
Imaginary Oscar: Most Stunning Visual Love Letter to New York City
A lot like Annie Hall. But with a very young Meryl Streep (her second movie role) and an even younger Mariel Hemingway. And great line about Sanka:
I wanted to tell you about it. I knew it would upset you. I…
We had a few innocent meetings.
A few? She said one. You guys should get your story straight. Don’t you rehearse?
We met twice for coffee.
Hey, she doesn’t drink coffee. Did you meet for Sanka? That’s not too romantic. A little on the geriatric side.
And the Honorable Mentions go to Jerry Maguire (yes, really), Radio Days, The Producers (original version) and Something’s Gotta Give. And maybe The Shawshank Redemption.
OK, that was hard to narrow down! But fun. Surely my picks are not the same as yours — so let’s see your additions please? And Happy Oscars to you all.
Don’t apologize for putting Jerry Maguire on that list! Let us not forget how Cuba Gooding Jr.’s win for best supporting actor made us (me) openly weep (I did that) and do a dance in our living rooms (by that I mean, my living room.)
And of course, ditto on Shawshank. Top 5 movies of all time, IMHO.
But I must disagree with your selection for “Best Cast Singalong.” Certainly, I think Almost Famous would be in the running. But it would be narrowly edged out by 1988’s Running On Empty. Where they all sing “Fire and Rain.” As seen here:
SWEET. MOSES. I still get goosebumps.
BTW, didn’t we watch the Best Woodchipping Scene for the first time together in the theater? Or am I mis-remembering agai?
You raise an excellent point. I *love* Running on Empty, and particularly that scene. Kills. Me. Every. Time.
And thanks for the solidarity on Jerry Maguire. I knew you’d be there for me. As for Fargo, I know the first time I ever saw it was for one of my finals in grad school — so my bet is that I insisted on seeing it again, right away, and I dragged you with me. You’re welcome 🙂
So glad someone suggested “Running on Empty” … wonderful film.
wow, i am surprised i have seen so many of your picks (i dont get out much), am also a big fan of woody allen and the coen brothers. my favorite movies of my youth were heathers, metropolitian, trust, and slacker. more recently, i loved the royal tenenbaums, juno and happy-go-lucky. and avatar. the 3-d really was spectacular even if the plot was lacking.
my husband’s favorite movies are shawshank and fight club.
Thanks for your picks, Anna. All great ones.
Although — shhhhhhh — I never saw Avatar. Don’t tell. Happy Go Lucky is on my must-see-one-of-these-days list. Heard it was excellent.
LOVE all of these. One important addition to your Cinema Paradiso entry — best score for a movie EVER. (Still cry whenever I hear the Love Theme:
Oh, and another of my personal faves: To Kill a Mockingbird (Best Actor: Gregory Peck; Best Adapted Screeplay) Imaginary Oscar: Best social commentary, pre-Civil Rights era. Also, KILLING score by Elmer Bernstein (
Thanks Pat — great additions! You’re totally right — the Cinema Paradiso score is part of what makes it so amazing. And yes to all things Gregory Peck. Always.
Love your Oscar list! I LOVE the Oscars! I’ll be hosting my 5th Oscar party tomorrow! Formal dress is not required (this year) and it’s all about appetizers and wine! I’ll save you a stuffed cherry tomato!
I’ve seen all the films on your list and love them too! My all time favorite movies I know were nominated for several awards, and won a few, are two foreign films. The french film, Amelie, and the spanish film, Talk to Her. Pedro Almodovar is my favorite director. I love the raw and honest depictions of women in his films. I think I’ve used the word “love” enough, but I really LIKE movies!!!
What time should I be there for the party? 🙂
I also love Amelie and all things Almovodar. Did you know there was a very brief run this fall of Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown on Broadway? I heard it was great, but it didn’t last.
Enjoy your Oscar festivities!
I would have stayed in Casablanca with Rick, too. I like the complicated stuff. 🙂
Between you and Celluloid Zombie adding movies to my list, I’ll never have time to watch them all. Someone needs to lock me in a room with a popcorn machine, lots of fake butter, and a vat of Goobers.
Margaret, you better get busy with that Netflix list!
My Netflix is on overload with all of these recommendations 😉
Also, no “Life is Beautiful”?
I do love “Life is Beautiful,” but it was edged out by “Cinema Paradiso.” I’m a sucker for the Italians.
I haven’t seen many of those movies on your list but I will agree that American History X was a great movie. If you get a chance to get out one night to go see a new movie you should see The Fighter, it was really good.
I’m dying to see “The Fighter.” My allegiance to
Marky MarkMark Wahlberg is long-standing.Great picks! Very clever with the “imaginary Oscars”!! : ) We definitely have the same taste with a few of them. American History X is an excellent movie; Edward Norton is an amazing actor (and one of the hottest guys in Hollywood by far)!
; ) Cinema Paradiso is a stunning film on all levels…and the music!! Oh, the music! GoodFellas is awesome and it trumps The Godfather as the far suprerior (and much more realistic) Mafia movie!! You’re not going to believe me. That movie made me want to marry a gangster when I first saw it…at age 19! :0 And The Producers (original, 1968) is a classic; it’s hilarious; it’s wonderful…..just a perfect film!! One area we do disagree (sorry, girl!) is Elton John. I find all of Elton Johns’s songs to be boring and sound the same. =\ I like exactly two: I’m Still Standing and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road!! ;D
You have great taste 😉
Well, except on the Elton John point — we’ll have to agree to disagree there…
Oops! :0