Post-Prom Cocktails

It was The Best of Times.  Literally.  As in, Styx.  That was the theme song when my pal Ed Marsh took me to his prom in 1989.  My hair was large, as was my dress.  He had a mullet.  The good news is that we’ve aged well and evolved from our Jersey Prom Look.  Thank God.

Ed and I fell out of touch for many years but resolved that through Facebook and Twitter once I joined modern society last year.  Turns out, he has been busy since the prom.  A musician, technical writer (yes, one of those annoying right AND left brain people), a home beer brewer, a foodie (often gluten and dairy free, no less), a racing fan and a blogger.  And one of the wittiest people I know.

I tend to gravitate toward the parenting/mom blogger crowd a lot for obvious reasons, so I thought it would be fun to get a totally different perspective at Fordeville today. I’m so happy he agreed to be the token male writer this week. I’m even happier that, despite his best efforts, he could not locate said prom photo.  

Pssst.  It’s also my six-month bloggerversary today.  No biggie, I know — especially when you’ve got folks like Ed who have been doing this for years — but I’m the gal who also likes to see a half-birthday acknowledged (mine, specifically).  Anyway.  Be sure to go give Ed’s blog some love — where he may begin accepting blackmail payments for the withholding of the prom picture — and follow him on Twitter @edmarsh.


So, our friend Fordeville gives me, me an open forum to embarrass her, including that fateful prom with big hair and taffeta — and that was just me. Thankfully, we both made it out of high school alive, and still friends, though admittedly since those days she has turned out much better in quantity of hair category.

On the matter of alcoholic beverage consumption, let’s call it a draw.

Speaking of beverages, I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur. I had a process for coffee at a prior job that involved grinding my own coffee at home, and at work a hotpot, French press, thermos, and one of those cup warmers that actually never do shit other than make the bottom of the mug searingly untouchable.

It took me a bit longer to warm up to beer. Now, don’t get me wrong, I ran with the wrong crowd in high school – the drummers – so I learned early on about the sweet, sweet demon alcohol, and the inevitable consequences that come with unsupervised drinking of excessive amounts when you’re 13. However, I could never handle the taste of cheap beer; clearly a precursor of things to come. So for most of my high school career, I drank the manliest of drinks… the Fuzzy Navel.

Fast-forward a few years to a kinder, gentler time when drinking (very) good beer makes not only good economic sense, but there is actual appreciation of the various flavors and styles. A time when you are serious enough about the beverage to brew your own.

Then forget it.

Because if there’s one thing that women generally don’t go for on vacation, it’s beer. And since I’m not entirely sure of the Fordeville’s vacation destination, it is hard to recommend a local, seasonal beer to drink, no matter the climate. For example, if you’re drinking Guinness in July and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in February, you’re doing it wrong.

With that in mind, I suggest a drink that I love, though has more than once called into question my masculinity. It is a drink that, without one simple addition, is nothing but two kinds of booze. That drink is the White Russian. Three simple ingredients – Kahlua, vodka, and cream – is a potent cocktail and acceptable in any temperature. And it is often created, but not often done well.

Now that I’ve established my credentials as a man of culture and maturity, allow me to suggest, at Fordeville’s request, a show that she absolutely must Tivo/DVR while she’s away… Outsourced.

At this point it should be obvious that I’ve consumed several Delicious Beverages™.

But seriously folks, Anthony Bourdain is a chef, world traveler, and fantastic writer, though often consumed with too many superlatives. I’ve read most of his books, which confirmed for me that as much as I love making restaurant-quality food, the professional kitchen is not for me. However, his show No Reservations on the Travel Channel has only whetted my appetite for traveling to good food destinations. As the son of a Vietnam War vet, I’ve wanted to travel there for different reasons, but Tony has convinced me it’s someplace that I simply must go, if only to taste the alluring noodle soup pho.


I’ve had pho in New York’s Chinatown, replete with testicles (they weren’t kidding on the menu that said beef balls), but I want, no need, to travel to Vietnam at some point in my life to taste the authentic thing.

So there you have it, Fordeville’s requests fulfilled. A drink (or four) to enjoy while she’s de-stressing on vacation, and a show to come home and enjoy on the Tivo.

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Bubbly With a Side of Irony

Fordeville Vacation Week continues!  {Is it snowing at home yet?}

I’m so excited to have my dear friend Kim Holcomb writing here today.  As she references below, we go back quite far.  1996, to be exact.  Two gals maxed out on student loans in pursuit of some crazy dreams via graduate school.  She was there to study Broadcast Journalism and I was there for Screenwriting. 

She made the wiser choice. 

She is, in fact, a fabulous TV personality on KING-TV in Seattle.  But not just a pretty talking head!  Smart as a whip, political junkie, style maven and mom of two kids to boot.  And Tweeter extraordinaire.  I won’t give it all away — find out all about her on her blog and follow her on Twitter

And, as a hard-hitting journalist, she bravely tackles my two vacation questions below.  One day, she is interviewing your favorite film stars and the next, she shares her thoughts below on booze and TV.  I know you’ll love her as much as I do.


If I were to describe my relationship with Fordeville in an anecdotal screenplay, it would go something like this: 

SCENE: New York City. Somewhere near the financial district… I think… we’d walked a few blocks… who am I kidding, it could have been the Upper West Side for all I know. 


SCENE: New York City. An oaky, dimly-lit restaurant featuring Italian/Asian fusion cuisine. Fordeville gives the name for our reservation, and upon being seated, it’s clear no reservation was necessary. 

FORDEVILLE: There’s something wrong with this place. 

ME: What do you mean? (takes drink from glass of water) 

FORDEVILLE: There’s only two other tables seated. (pause) I think we have to leave. 

ME: (pause) Seriously? 

FORDEVILLE: Yes. I hope you don’t mind. I just think we should go somewhere more lively. 

ME: (glances down shamefully at half-empty glass of water) Should we make up an excuse? 

FORDEVILLE: (looks surprised by the question) No. l’ll just tell them we decided to go somewhere else. 


Now I know how to unapologetically leave an unimpressive situation. 

And that’s par for the course. Ever since I first met Fordeville more than a decade ago, she’s inadvertently taught me how to live out loud. In a smart, funny, poised, irreproachably honest way. 

So it’s with some irony that I’m now here, in her absence, recommending how SHE should live whilst on vacation. 

Having said that, I’m all about irony. So let’s get cracking. 

First up: “What is your must-have vacation cocktail?” 

That’s easy. Champagne. An entire bottle, if possible. 

This stems from two truths deeply imprinted in my mind.

Number one: “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Holly ALWAYS has champagne in the apartment. It’s the staple of a glamorous, rail-thin, unhinged woman. Which I aspire to be. So I favor champagne in an effort to transform. 

Number two: champagne signifies celebration. And when I’m actually on a vacation, away from work, commutes, tantrums (hopefully,) and mundane chores, THAT’S REASON TO CELEBRATE. 

Champagne is a universal drink of “YAY!” It’s gender and weather neutral. In many ways, it’s the perfect beverage. So whether a holiday is spent in the snowy mountains of Whistler, BC or on the shores of a tropical island, I view champagne as the appropriate choice. 

Second question: “What show must I record on the DVR while I’m away?” 

I’m pretty sure Fordeville specifically asked this one for no other reason than to stump me. Because she knows, in the same way I could never name my favorite movie, it’s impossible for me to narrow down my television viewing. 

I blame my parents. They limited my teevee watching as a child. PBS only. Maybe some C-SPAN or 60 Minutes if I behaved. Did I mention this was at age 7? 

In my lifelong rebellion, I became a television reporter and ardent supporter of all things remote-able. So rather than just naming just one choice, please indulge me in a brief-ish list. 

1. Top Chef All-Stars (because it’s a perfectly executed reality show. With gratuitous shots of cheese, wine, and Fabio.) 

2. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (this may not count since I believe the series is over. But a former child star from “Little House on the Prairie” and her sister, another child star from “Escape to Witch Mountain,” are featured. YOU CAN’T LOOK AWAY.) 

3. Big Love (not my favorite HBO show, to be sure, but the only one that’s not in hiatus right now. And this season has some pretty decent moments, with the promise of a girl fight. Fingers crossed.) 

4. 30 Rock (because you just never know when Liz Lemon is going to put on another “I give up” outfit. Fanny pack? Indeed. Comedy gold.) 

5. Luther (again, the season is technically over. But it’s a BBC show, so in the space/time continuum, maybe we can pretend it’s new? Either way, it’s a gripping, intelligent, very British modern detective drama starring the incredibly sexy Idris Elba – of “The Wire” fame. Speaking of which, if you haven’t watched “The Wire,” throw out all of the suggestions above and get yourself some Netflix action.) 

So there you have it. My attempt to impart my limited wisdom on Fordeville. And possibly you. 

Take it for what it’s worth, and feel free to comment/criticize freely. I’ll be fine. There’s champagne chilling in the fridge.

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Welcome to Friends of Fordeville Week.  Also known as Project Sunny & Slightly Tipsy Vacation.  Is it snowing in New Jersey while I’m gone?  That would make me a little happy.  And a little evil.

I promised you some fabulous guest bloggers while I take the week off.  I’m a woman of my word.  And to prove it, I’m kicking the festivities off with my favorite new blogger, The 21st Century Mrs — I’m so happy that has agreed to post for me.  If you aren’t reading her blog already, you are completely missing out.  Next you’ll tell me you haven’t eaten any chocolate today.  Get with the program, people.

Why should you love The Mrs?  Simply put, she’s funny as hell.  That’s not enough, you say?  OK, fine.  Check out her wacky, borderline-disturbing (in a good way) illustrations that prove her kick-ass wit beyond the shadow of a doubt. 

When she’s not confessing her fear of pregnant women or plotting her revenge against Jake Ryan, she’s tweeting — take note and follow her @21stcenturymrs.


When I think about all of the things I learned when I was a kid, I feel like some critical details were unfortunately omitted, bits of advice I could have made good use of in the future. Things like: No one will ever care if you can’t write in cursive or don’t ever let your college roommate cut your hair. 

And here’s a big one: Being a kid on vacation is the sweetest experience you will ever have in your life. 

Think about it for a second.  When you were a kid and your parents took you on vacation, all you did was show up and have the best time of your life.

When you were a kid on vacation, there was no threat of school or homework, and all you did was play outside. In my case, most of this playtime took place on a beach somewhere, so my biggest worry as a kid on vacation was getting a sunburn. But I wasn’t even that concerned with a little red skin, because I didn’t even know what cancer was yet.

The thrill of traveling to a new place for relaxation or adventure is so intoxicating that, after years of vacationing with my parents, I have become addicted to vacations. 

And if I go too long without one, I start to look all bedraggled and sad.

But vacationing as an adult is just a shadow of the non-stop, fun-tacular time it was when you were a kid.

It might even be more trouble that it’s worth, but it’s better than sitting in your office or folding laundry at home—oh, and you’re probably ADDICTED to vacations, too. So you have to go or you could start to shake a little. (Because this is what the movies told me happens to addicts. And it looks pretty terrible.) 

Suddenly, you have to worry about paying for the vacation, finding a place to sleep that won’t give you bedbugs, dieting to avoid frightening others on the beach, booking and confirming rooms, and packing everything you own into small, airplane friendly luggage. I could go on with the “to dos,” but I might cry just thinking about the sharp contrast of childhood vacations to adult vacations.

The universe must know that it has robbed us of something magnificent, though, because it has created a silver lining to vacationing as an adult: cocktails.

Isn’t it strange how the virgin strawberry daiquiri you once begged your parents for as a child on vacation has become your adult-on-vacation refuge? 

My must-have vacation cocktail? Copious amounts of anything. I’m not picky. Although, I am partial to the kind of drinks that are available in fish bowls or margarita glasses the size of my head. But I really don’t care what you put in that glass, so long as it is strong. I’m trying to at once numb the memories of carefree vacations past and the knowledge of credit card bills with hotel charges to come in the future. 

As for what the lady of The Fordeville Diaries must record while she is vacationing? Originally, I was going to recommend Glee, because Gwyneth Paltrow is back for another appearance, and I love to hate Gwynnie. However, I might have to change my DVR recommendation to CNN—just record that shit all day—because given Charlie Sheen’s recent antics, it’s starting to feel like a foregone conclusion that he’ll wind up on a bell tower pretty soon. And none of us are going to want to miss that.

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Sand, Meet Toes

It’s finally here.  Vacation.

And while my kind relatives stay at our house to hang with the pug, we will be out in the sun.  Well, covered in hats, sensible sleeves and SPF 5,000 (residents of Fordeville tend to burn under a 50-watt bulb, so I take no chances — the look is sort of Beekeeper Chic). 

Anyway, the point is this:  We’re outta here, people.

I have no doubt that there will be many an entertaining nugget to share from vacationland, but I’ll do so afterwards.  Because I’m taking a week off from life.  That means from work.  From laundry and household upkeep.  From home renovation and decorating projects.  From everything but my family.  Oh, and not from cocktails.  OK, and probably not from The Twitter, because, well, I just can’t.  And it’s too much cruel fun to tweet real-time photos of my adventures (cue mass exodus of followers).  

So, where does this leave my six loyal readers?  Lest we fear the Earth will stand still on its axis without any new content (as if), I have lined up some fabulous guest bloggers to entertain you in my absence.  Friends of Fordeville, if you will.

My intention was to really span different types of writers here.  But they have two things in common:  Great writing and wit extraordinaire.  They consist of a newbie to the blogosphere, a broadcast journalist, a beer brewing aficionado and a seasoned parenting/mom blogger.  It’s a little like an updated line-up of this familiar crew. 

One of them even took me to a prom in 1989.  I won’t tell you which one — yet.  But it wasn’t the mom blogger. 

These fabulous folks have agreed to address some very critical issues in my absence.  Not Egypt.  Or malaria.  Or temporary custody of Charlie Sheen.  Or even the mastery of IKEA assembly instructions.

No, I’ve asked them to give serious thought to two questions — one meant to optimize my vacation, and the other meant to ease my transition back into real life when I come home. Because it’s all about me. Well, at least in this domain that I pay for.    

1)  What is your must-have vacation cocktail?   

2)  What show *must* I record on the DVR while I’m away?  

I told you, it’s heavy duty stuff. Because my life is, for better or worse, often reduced to a nice drink and some TV at the end of a long day. So I may as well operate in style and expand my horizons beyond a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and Keeping Up With the Kardashians PBS. 

So please welcome my bloggy friends while I’m gone. And wish me luck on the flight with The Two Toddlers Who Never Sit Still.

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Failing Science 2.0


I never liked math or science when I was in school.  I’ve seen the anti-math piece come back to haunt me as an adult, but I really didn’t suspect that my lack of science proficiency would be an issue until much later, when my kids might need help with biology or chemistry homework.

Turns out, my problems are starting sooner than I imagined, and it’s all because of Nickelodeon.

It’s awfully nice that Nick Jr. wants to make television educational so that parents like me don’t die from abject guilt over our small children being cracked out in front of their programming.  But I think things have gone too far. 

Here’s why:  The shameful truth is that, some days, I’m not smart enough to keep up.

It started with Thomas the Train.  And while the details of operating a railway on some bizarre island that bears a strange resemblance to “Lost” aren’t purely scientific, they were firmly in the camp of “things I never paid attention to.”  Discussions about buffers and hopper cars started coming out of my three year-old’s mouth.  I had never heard of a damn hopper car before, and I didn’t know which type of engine specifically makes deliveries to the quarry.  But, through the power of context clues and years of schooling, I was able to figure it out and keep up with the Thomas conversations.  Tuition well-spent. 

Now it has gotten worse.  My son, it appears, loves science — a genetic defect contribution I can blame on my husband, the engineer (electrical, not locomotive).

I can also blame Nickelodeon.  Specifically, Diego and Dino Dan, I’m looking at you.  Let me illustrate my point.

Science Failure Scenario One:  Diego

I come home from work a few weeks ago and my son says something about the animal on the current Diego episode.  Something that sounds, in my head, sort of like this.

“Look at the pink and green marmaduke.”

“A what?  A marmaduke?”

“Nooooo.  Mommy.  A [jumbled pairing of words I’ve never heard].”

I look at my husband:  “Oh, what an imagination — did you hear that? He made up an animal. He called it a piggy mountainette.”

Husband, snorting:  “No, he’s watching the Diego episode about the pygmy marmoset.”

I stare at my husband in silence and note that this sounds a lot like what our son just said.  Which sounds like another language.

Flashbacks to elementary school science.  Nothing is retrieving from the memory banks.  I must have been reading the Judy Blume book under my desk again that day.

Me, pulling up Google on the laptop:  “What the fuck is a — what is it called?  Pinky Tuscadaro?”


Righto.  If you didn’t know either (and I need you to raise your hand in the comments section so I know I’m not alone), here it is. 

I can honestly tell you I had never heard of this creature before in my life.  And then I started to notice, as the week went on, that Diego is trying to make me look like a jackass.  Because I cannot pick a sloth nor a kinkajou out of an animal line up.  Thanks, pal.  My kid is three — you couldn’t stick to giraffes, tigers and domesticated canines? Show off.

And stop running around the jungle unsupervised if you’re so smart.

Science Failure Scenario Two:  Dino Dan

My problems were recently compounded by my son’s newfound obsession with Dino Dan.  If you haven’t seen it, imagine a smug school-aged boy waxing poetic about dinosaurs all damn day.  How he has any friends is beyond me, but whatever.  Thanks to this little pain in the ass, my son now conducts conversations that run like game shows — where I am the losing contestant.

3 Year Old:  Mommy, which herbivore has the longest neck?

Me:  Uh, the T-Rex?

3 Year-Old  (laughing at my ignorance):  No.  He’s a carnivore.  Try again.

Me:  Uh, the Brontosaurus?

3 Year-Old:  No.  It’s the Brachiosaurus.  Now, which carnivore is very fast with a big claw?

Me (trying redirection):  Do you want to watch Wonder Pets?  Or Cinemax?

3 Year-Old:  Mommy.  Just guess.

Me:  I don’t know.  Who?

3 Year-Old:  We just saw this on Dino Dan, remember?  He has purple spots.

Me:  You tell me.

3 Year-Old (rolling eyes — this, he gets from me):  It’s the Dromaeosaurus.

Me (pouring wine):  Riiiight.  I forgot.

3 Year-Old: I can’t find my Stygimoloch, my Compsonagthus or my Spinosaurus toys.  Can you help me?

Me (because I’ll now do anything to make this stop):  Do you want mac and cheese for dinner?  Smothered in chocolate with a side of ice cream?

My life is being run by a punk TV character who is hallucinating dinosaurs.  This is what happens when you take in too many toxins as a kid.

Meanwhile, my brain seems to have completely shut down the portion that deals with science.  Just like I explicitly instructed it to do just after completing my AP Biology exam at the end of my junior year of high school.

So, while I have the chance, really, can’t we go back to Sesame Street?  I could keep up with The Count.  And I totally support Bert and Ernie’s same-sex domestic partnership, even if they are not yet ready to come out of the closet. 

Because, someday, the algebra and the trig and the physics will be here, and it’s evident to me that I will be of no use.  Not to a kid who insists I refer to him only as Baby Stigymoloch.

How young is too young to get him hooked on Scrabble instead?  That, I could handle.

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