APRIL 15, 2012
TO: Education Administrators of New Jersey
RE: Spring Break Coordination
To Whom it May Concern:
It is with my last shred of sanity barely intact that I sit down to write you this letter, on the 16th and final night of the 2012 Spring Break.
I wonder if I could have a moment of your time to ask one simple question: Why can’t you all coordinate with each other and have Spring Break the same week? Because some of us who have children in more than one school were faced with an odd, and seemingly avoidable, predicament of two different weeks off.
Why would this be?
In my specific situation, I dealt with two schools. In the same town. With two different weeks off. So the last time I had both kids in school was on March 30. I looked visibly younger then.
I’m not sure if you have children of your own, or if you’re familiar with the personality transformation that occurs when young kids are taken from their structure and routine over an extended period of time. Perhaps not.
Furthermore, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the personality transformation that occurs when the mothers of these children are stripped of the kids’ structure and routine over an extended period of time. But I can tell you that last Friday (aka Day 13), I went to Starbucks and saw throngs of fellow moms with at least one child in tow. Said moms were clearly all at the end of their ropes and each was drinking a triple-something-something coffee the size of her own skull while allowing the kids to eat the cake of their choice for breakfast. And I sat right down to join them.
Because we had given up at that point. We had collectively overdosed on playdates, crafts, road trips and even disguising meager attempts at spring cleaning as “family projects.” We were done.
Which leaves me with my original question and what we can do to fix it.
Was it merely a lack of communication? If so, I’d be happy to facilitate a meeting regarding next year’s school calendar. I’ll even have it at my house. You can all come over and I’ll cook for you. And then I’ll lock you inside until you all swear to never do this to me again.
We can use this guiding principle going into the meeting: HOW ABOUT YOU ALL FOLLOW THE PUBLIC SCHOOL CALENDAR?
Just a suggestion.
If this wasn’t a lack of communication, then I’m left to believe that you were trying to kill me. In that case, well played. You almost won.
My kids have always been in the school district. Never had to deal with that. Sounds awful.
Maybe you could send the kid that is off to school with the kid that still has to go. Tell them that it is their problem. Use the schools phone tree to get all the other parents to do the same. They will fix it.
This is a great solution!
UGH!!! Brutal for sure!!
Have they changed the last day of school to account for now snow days yet. They did for us and can I tell you how thrilled I am that 2 out of 3 of my kids will be home for the summer a WHOLE WEEK earlier. Gee thanks.
Is there still time for snow?
Don’t ever move to North Carolina. My friend tells me they have “year-round school.” That means the kids go to school several weeks and then they’re off for a bit and then on again. Only one problem…her two kids are on different schedules. So, they never have time to go on a family vacation because there is no “summer vacation” in year-round school. Nice, huh?