Confessions of a Repeat Movie Watcher

We’re going to the movies tomorrow night with some friends to see The Social Network.  I’m looking forward to it and I’m horrified to admit that I seriously can’t remember the last movie I saw in a theater.  I’m not exaggerating — I really don’t know what or when it was. 

And yet I stand by my self-described movie buff status, even though I rarely get to the movie theater anymore.  So I was thinking about some of my favorite films — the ones I’ve watched over and over without getting tired of them.  I’m not going to write up a big list — there are too many — but thought instead I would share some great scenes, if not for your entertainment, then for my own.  (But I hope you like them as much as I do.)

First scene of Annie Hall.  This gets me every time.  It’s actually my favorite movie, start to finish, but the opening is particularly great.

YouTube Preview Image

The Copacabana scene from Goodfellas is just stunningly good.  I’m a total sucker for well-placed music in a film and Scorsese nails this.  Plus it’s just an amazingly long hand-held shot — there’s not a single cut — so that you feel like part of the trip through the Copa.  This made me want to marry a gangster when I first saw it at age 19.

(And sorry these last two won’t embed into the post but here are the You Tube links)

The end of  Lost in Translation.  As far as I’m concerned, you have no soul if you didn’t love this scene.  This particular cut of the clip is kind of bad (it starts after the big moment/secret whisper) but it does the job.  I saw this in the theater when it was released  (more than once, I think) and I was a mess.  Great, great movie.

There are a ton of others but these three popped into my head as I thought about great beginnings, middles and endings. 

Help me add to the list — what could you watch over and over?

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  1. Ed. says:

    Airplane. Planes, trains and automobiles. Raiders of the lost ark.

  2. Debbie says:

    Steel Magnolias…although now that I have kids, I have to stop watching it after she has the kidney transplant or I bawl my eyes out. I’ll either be Miss Melyn or Miss Weezah when I’m old.

    Rudy…I cry every time that kid gets into Notre Dame, and when he gets into the game. Makes me think if you work hard enough (and don’t just know the right people), you can accomplish anything.

    Pretty Woman…Modern day Cinderella.

  3. whitney says:

    When Harry Met Sally — every line, every scene, every lovely shot of NYC.

  4. I have to go now, Dwayne. I’m due back on the planet Earth.

    The. Best.

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