Fall Skies

Sunday was gorgeous.  It was one of those incredible fall skies.  I dropped the father-son duo off at the Y for their Sunday morning swim class and grabbed a coffee in town with the baby (she opted for just a milk, slightly warmed).  We took a quick walk before we had to pick up the boys, and it was the best 30 minutes of sanity I had all weekend. 

We were off to a wedding that afternoon on a boat circling Manhattan.  It could have been a disaster, weather-wise, this time of year, but they got the best possible outcome.  I felt like a tourist (in a good way), getting that great perspective of the city, going under the Brooklyn Bridge and right in front of the Statue of Liberty.  I am a jaded New Yorker in many ways, but sitting on that boat, listening to music with a glass of wine and taking in that view — you really can’t beat it.

I would love this second photo even more if I didn’t  work in one of these buildings…but it’s still very pretty.

A great day for a walk, a wedding and quasi-tourism — all under the same brilliantly blue sky.

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