I would love to know what causes a song to get stuck in your head. We’ve all had it happen and sometimes it’s a couple of hours, maybe a day or two.
Well, I’m now going on five days since I watched the last episode of Glee, and in that time, Gwyneth Paltrow has basically moved in with me.
I didn’t even know the damn song (though it appears I’m the last one on Earth to have heard it), but I liked it right away. The sort of old school R&B sound — some hybrid between maybe Al Green and a tamer Sly Stone — sucked me in, though it was pulled off by an Oscar-winning blonde, who, apparently, has zero flaws. (By the way, am I the only one who wanted Gwyneth not to be a great singer, to make the rest of us feel just a little better? If she sucks at something, just one thing, that would be great.)
So there was the catchy song, over and over in my head, but not knowing the words was making it worse — or so I thought. I downloaded it and figured if I played it a few times I’d get it out of my system. If I could sing along, instead of mumbling like a lunatic, maybe I’d be able to purge it from my memory.
Epic fail. Now I know all of the words and it’s like an eternal repeat loop in my head. My kids were dancing to it yesterday at breakfast. P likes it too. We need a family intervention for someone to come and take Gwynnie away.
I had some time alone in the car yesterday and blasted the radio in the hopes of deleting Gwyneth & Co from my head. No. I even resorted to Christmas songs. Ugh, no. I watched Thomas the Tank Engine with my son and figured I’d at least get the annoying Sodor tunes to take over for a while inside my mind. No. Nothing is working. And I like the song (somehow, still) but please — somebody, make it stop.
I may have to be hit in the head, hard.
In the meantime, I figure maybe I shouldn’t suffer alone. So, here — welcome to my personal hell. Enjoy.

Who’s on Glee next week? I should prepare myself now.
Didn’t you see her in “Duets”? Have to say she was good there too…. (sorry)
I didn’t see it but I remember the single she released with Huey Lewis. Honestly, I thought that was sort of a fluke at the time — an easy little number with limited participation on her part that she managed to pull together. Shame on me, I guess. And I missed all of the Country Music Awards frenzy a few weeks back with her performance. The hard truth is that the woman can really sing. Now just get her Glee song out of my head.
Kim, they have been playing that C-Lo song in Florida for the past month or so, and yet, it is a HEAD STICKER!!!! I am chronically walking around work singing one song or another, and yes, this happens to be one of them. So thanks for the post because after I laughed reading your blog, I will now have to smack my head into the wall so I can forget this song.
Thanks Whitney. I’m just glad I’m not suffering alone! And let me know if the head-smack to the wall works for you (it didn’t for me).