A Week of Freaky

Yikes — a week without a blog post went by.  That’s what happens when you run away with Bono after last Wednesday’s epic U2 show.  Oh wait — that was only in my head. Speaking of things I may or may not exaggerate in my head, let me tell you about a few recent oddities. 1)  […]

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I Will Follow

I rarely get really excited about things.  For better or worse — it’s just not my way. Today is an exception. Because tonight — I’ll be here. Right where that dark blue dot is.  In seats for which I practically re-mortgaged my house. Because you know who will be on that gray area designated “stage”? […]

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Carolina In My Mind

The residents of Fordeville are back from the Outer Banks.  And, I’m happy to report, the Roadtrip and Vomit Gods were much better to us on the way home than on the drive down.  Thankfully.  Otherwise I might be living in a motel somewhere along I-95 right now.  It will take a while — say, […]

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Are We There Yet?

We made it to Pluto North Carolina.  I say that with no disrespect to this beautiful place or its people — I just mean that it felt like the longest trip in the history of mankind, as I feared. No, worse than I feared.  I’ll tell you why.  Because I tend to overshare. Everything started out just […]

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  Two.  How can that be? I won’t get all weepy on you (I can’t promise the same to my family), but it’s hard to believe.  And even with all the excitement of what’s to come as she gets older, I do find it sad that she’s not a baby anymore.   Like she was here, […]

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Pre-Vacation Stress: A Top 10 List

I’m one of those annoying people who gets stressed out before vacations. At least when my kids are involved.  Which is usually the case, since there’s no Maria Von Trapp in sight to watch them and make clothing out of curtains while we whisk ourselves away. In just a few days, we’re getting in the car […]

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Born in the Wrong Decade

I think it was D6.  Or maybe E6.  I’m not entirely sure which slot “Sherry” by the Four Seasons occupied in the jukebox, but I think it was one of those.  I struggled to remember as I sat through last Saturday’s matinee of Jersey Boys.  And I was transported.  Not to the 60s, because I […]

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On the Eighth Day

This is our eighth day without a functioning home computer. Or, in social media years, that’s about 20 weeks, as far as I can tell. You know, from the twitching and withdrawal shakes and all. I have an iPhone and an iPad, and both serve their purposes. I can browse, tweet, text and Facebook with […]

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Scenes From a Friendship

All of my old photos — the hard copy, pre-digital ones — are in storage.  Cleared out, with many other items, in preparation for Project Pimp My Basement.  I had forgotten this when I impulsively decided a few nights ago to dig out all of the photos of Jen that I had.  And then I couldn’t.  They weren’t there. Until I remembered […]

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Project Distraction

OK.  Another week of trying to work through the loss of my good friend Jen.  I’m trying to hold it together but am only doing so with varying (and wildly unpredictable) degrees of success.  I told you last time that my punishing new workout is keeping my mind occupied for one crazy hour, several times a […]

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