Working Through It

I took a little online break after the events of the last week.  I backed off of Facebook and email, except to exchange details about wakes and tributes and memories with folks.  I stepped away from Twitter for a bit and re-learned to communicate in more than 140 characters.  I hugged my kids a little tighter […]

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The Shoes I Never Wanted

Today I have to buy shoes I never wanted.  Shoes to go with a dress I never thought I’d wear. Things change in an instant.  With a phone call.  A call that tells you, somehow, one of your oldest and dearest friends is gone.  Gone at 38, without warning. And the lens through which I […]

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Always a Party

Ah, Memorial Day.  The unofficial beginning of summer.  {And, by the way, Summer, listen up:  We’ve had a long and harsh winter here, so be good to us.} Memorial Day is such a party day.  So festive.  But as I think back on the Memorial Days of years past — the pre-marriage and pre-children years […]

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Taking the Cake

  I’m a good cook, but not a great baker.  Is that normal?  I want to be a better baker.  I should be.  After all, I’m a world-class consumer and eater of all baked items.  I consider anything that combines chocolate, eggs, flour and cream to be its own food group on the USDA pyramid.  Shouldn’t that help my cause? […]

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The Dark Ages

My husband just told me that he has to do some traveling for work over the next few weeks.  I’m upset. Not because the trip has screwed up any grand plans.  But because it makes me face one of my biggest fears. Yeah, I’m a grown adult afraid of the dark.  It’s ridiculous. I have […]

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The Final Countdown

In case you haven’t heard, the end is nigh. Not just the End of Days — which is allegedly this Saturday, by the way (fine, but can it all shake out after my fabulous dinner reservation?).  But worse. The end of Oprah. I don’t often tackle controversy around here, unless you count things like the best movies […]

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Bad Romance

] Yeah, so I’ve been hanging around with a bad influence again.  One I swore off years ago.  But I had a recent moment of weakness somewhere around aisle six. Everyone has, at some point, had a bad romance and stayed with someone who’s no good for them.  Sometimes you hide it.  Or justify it.  Or ultimately leave […]

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Tiny Dancer

  Call me under-caffeinated, but I was just thinking about who this photo reminds me of. My daughter and Elton John (the early years): Separated at birth? The big glasses.  The hair.  The “too much going on” outfit.  The superstar pose. The love affair with the sound of their own voices. Just saying.  They’re not dissimilar.  […]

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Progress Report

OK.  It has been a month of being a stay-at-home-mom.  And many of you have asked me how I’m doing with the transition (thanks for that).  So I feel I owe you a progress report. To keep my workplace communication skills sharp, I thought I’d do this in summary form. Bottom Line:  All is well.  […]

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CSI: New Jersey

It is clear to me that my husband has been watching far too many crime and forensics shows on TV.   It started with some lost keys. The following string of events occurred on my last day of work, which explains why this whole story was not immediately communicated to me by my husband — I had […]

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