Songs in My Head

Since I left my job to stay at home full-time, I have found that music is becoming a bigger part of my day.  And it’s so nice to be able to hear it at times other than during the rush-hour commute. For the most part, that is.  There are a few distinct problems. First:  What’s Old is New […]

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How can he be four?  And how can I get upset that he’s already four?  What will I do when he’s five or, say, 18?  I’m going to embarrass the crap out of him with my sappy ways.  Poor kid. Here he was four days old. One year. Two years. Three years. What’s he like […]

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A Cake, A Guest and A List

Happy Friday, everyone! I am knee-deep in preparations for this Sunday, which is both Easter and my son’s fourth birthday.  For this combination of  events, I will be hosting 30 people at my house.  In full disclosure, this stresses me out and makes me an unlikeable, certifiable maniac for the other poor souls who live with me here in […]

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Spaghetti Western

I called my father last night for his birthday.  He’s not a big phone talker, so we had our usual 5-7 minute catch-up.  As we were wrapping up, I asked him about making plans for his annual visit to our house.  We both agreed that we’d aim for late August, and then he qualified it with this […]

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Dial D for Desperate

  Here’s something I may not have noticed if I hadn’t recently left my full-time job.  But you can’t get away from it around town.  It’s all the talk.  The Annual Calls for The Town Pool Wait List. Sadly, I’m not kidding. There are wait lists for many things in my town.  At first, this […]

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Day One

  So.  I did it.  Friday was the big day and I walked out of my job — my career — for the forseeable future.  And it was hard. For all of the excitement that I had leading up to this change, it hit me like a ton of bricks around 4:30 pm that day. […]

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A Day of Yay

  Big days and great days don’t always go hand in hand.  But today, they do. A lot is happening this week.  Yesterday, I wrote about this being my last week of work and making the decision, after many years and countless conference calls, to stay at home with my kids.  So, in order to […]

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The End & The Beginning

In the category of Life-Changing News, I have this for you:  Tomorrow is my last day of work.   What some of my friends and family already know is that I recently decided to leave my job.  And I didn’t take another one — at least not one that pays.  However, my new full-time responsibilities are […]

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False Advertising

I did a little costume change here on the site — what do you think? I was ready for a new design and something more customizable.  Something more me.  I thought.  Until my husband pointed out the following, upon seeing the new look. “It’s really nice, but it doesn’t reflect your writing style.” “It’s muted and elegant — so […]

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A Year in Suburbia

This week marks a full year since we packed up our city life and moved to the suburbs. And not only did we live to tell, but you know what?  I love it.  It’s true. Most of the time.  However, after 365 days in this new world, I’m here to report there are still a few things that I […]

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