
This past weekend was my nephew’s fifth birthday, so we headed up to their house for the festivities.  Since neither my nephew nor my son has a brother, they really enjoy their time together.  Shockingly, they don’t fight much either — even though they are the often-precarious one year apart in age.  After much celebratory […]

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The Surest Sign of Spring

I totally missed the memo in my town, but they have collectively decided that Spring is here.  No matter that it’s 39 degrees outside.  The weather is not the deciding factor.  Nor is the calendar. Here’s what drives the edict:  The mass release of the landscaping trucks.  It’s like a well-choreographed invasion. This week actually […]

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Just Like a Superstar

I think I’m having a bad reading week.   Following the cathartic release of my pent-up disdain for Real Simple, it was clear that I needed to read some mindless celebrity rag and decompress.  It was also a good way to divert my thoughts from work stuff and toddler behavior (two things that are not always mutually exclusive, it seems). So. I was […]

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My Other Husband

One of my irrational fears (sadly, there are many) is that a musician has died whenever I hear several of his/her songs in a short span of time on the radio.  If it’s not Two for Tuesday or Perfect Album Side time on some of my NYC stations, I assume the worst — that I […]

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Not So Simple

I have a love/hate relationship with Real Simple magazine. The love comes from my Type A-ness and the imaginary affair I often have with a well-organized life.  In those moments, I pick up a copy of Real Simple a few times a year and gush over some of their home solutions and great ideas.  If I’m getting […]

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Riverdance Meets The Sopranos: A Love Story

  I’m 25% Irish. But I didn’t know anything about being Irish until I met my husband. He is 100% Irish, with parents who are right off the boat (or, plane, in this more modern case). His mother is one of 12 children and his father one of seven. Many of these siblings also came […]

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The House That Al Gore Furnished

“We need another chair in the living room — it still looks kind of bare,” my husband says. “Hand me the laptop.” He knows better by now than to suggest we go furniture shopping in person, an exercise in futility that I have pretty much abandoned.  God Bless the Internet, I say. Not just because I can […]

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Back to Reality

I’m back!  Hope you all had a great week.  Can someone please explain why winter is still here?  Winter and I had an agreement that she would make her 2011 departure while I was away.  She is so fickle.  Anyway. A huge thanks to my fabulous guest bloggers who held down the fort while I was […]

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Tales of a Vacation Avoider

Today is the last day of my vacation guest blogging gig.  Which means it’s the last day of my vacation.  And I’m not ready to process that, so let’s instead talk about all the great writers who were here this week, inlcuding my final guest blogger today. It’s my pleasure to have Anna from Random Handprints […]

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Post-Prom Cocktails

It was The Best of Times.  Literally.  As in, Styx.  That was the theme song when my pal Ed Marsh took me to his prom in 1989.  My hair was large, as was my dress.  He had a mullet.  The good news is that we’ve aged well and evolved from our Jersey Prom Look.  Thank […]

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