Next Stop: Eataly

I am totally fascinated by the Manhattan opening of Eataly — a 50,000 square foot massiveness of Italian food, shops, wine and treats.  Yes — 50,000 square feet.  But Mario Batali never does anything small, and he is one of Eataly’s backers.  I haven’t been there yet, but I know this much.  In addition to seven […]

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First Halloween in Suburbia

Well, it was my first one as an adult, anyway, and here’s what I learned:  Halloween is no joke in the suburbs.  It’s sort of hard core.  From the house and yard decorations to the amount of candy one needs to distribute, we were not entirely prepared. Who knew that people decorated their homes in […]

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The Blasphemy of Hating Baseball

I hate baseball.  Thank God it’s over.   I know, it’s terribly un-American of me.  You can go ahead and call me all kinds of names, shake your heads in disbelief, wonder what kind of upbringing I had, if I have a genetic mutation, etc.  Sorry, I’ve tried.  I just can’t get on board.  Maybe it’s just me, […]

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Sometimes A Week Is a Long Time

Laugh if you want, but a week is a long time to be away from home these days.  I didn’t think so in my previous (pre-kids) life.  But now, I miss those little messy faces, those laughs, even that sound of “Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy” 45 times a day. (And yes, I miss my husband […]

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Sunday in a Favorite Place

I have an uncle who is one of my favorite people on the planet.   He gets me — he always has.  I rarely have the chance to see him because he lives in Amsterdam, but this weekend was one of those rarities — and on his turf.  Even better. I have to go to a meeting in […]

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Fear of Flying

I don’t know that I’ll ever be comfortable flying.  On the “dislike scale,” I range from hesitant to terrified pretty unevenly.  Today, I am somewhere closer to really, really nervous. I know the odds are always in my favor.  It still rattles me, especially when flying alone and far like I’m doing tonight.  I don’t know […]

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Boardroom Bingo

It’s one of those days at work where those empty corporate phrases are flying around without mercy.  You know, when people talk like a Power Point deck. In the elevator this morning, I heard two self-important guys discussing “the opportunities to realize our synergies and gain greater efficiencies.”  Seriously. Uh, you mean, get your teams together?  Then, […]

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There’s Trouble Brewing

Here’s the thing, Starbucks.  You can’t go implementing ridiculous policies that put the words “slow down” and “making coffee” in the same sentence.  Not when it means the line is 20+ people deep during the morning rush.  Exhibit A:  This morning’s line (worth noting that I took this photo from an identically long line at the other cash […]

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Confessions of a Repeat Movie Watcher

We’re going to the movies tomorrow night with some friends to see The Social Network.  I’m looking forward to it and I’m horrified to admit that I seriously can’t remember the last movie I saw in a theater.  I’m not exaggerating — I really don’t know what or when it was.  And yet I stand by […]

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Fall Skies

Sunday was gorgeous.  It was one of those incredible fall skies.  I dropped the father-son duo off at the Y for their Sunday morning swim class and grabbed a coffee in town with the baby (she opted for just a milk, slightly warmed).  We took a quick walk before we had to pick up the boys, […]

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