Tales From a Garage Sale Virgin

I’m a huge nerd for being so happy about the success of our garage sale this weekend.  I hate clutter, so the purger in me was thrilled by the cleansing aspect of the whole thing.  Plus it’s just fabulous people watching, right in your own driveway.  I didn’t have the nerve to take photos of […]

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Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

I distinctly remember my parents going to their 20th high school reunion.  It was 1986.  There were diets, new hair cuts (my mom sporting the then-stylish asymmetrical look) and certainly new outfits involved.  They had, after all, been high school sweethearts and they were really looking forward to meeting up with old friends.  I was […]

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Another Candle on the Cake

P celebrated another candle on the birthday cake this week, and my little sous chefs helped get the cake all ready.  They had mini-meltdowns waiting up for the guest of honor to get home from a late meeting, but cake fixes everything, doesn’t it? Except for the clean up. Happy 29th (again), P.  And many […]

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Pancakes, Pumpkins and Productivity

First, it’s on.  The garage sale, that is.  My neighbor Donna and I are both woefully unprepared but we’re getting our stuff out there come 9am next Saturday.  Remember how P and I were going to go through all of the items in question this weekend?  Never happened.  We decided it was enough to know […]

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Operation Basement Purge

Six months in, I still don’t know my neighbors very well.  They are all very nice people, but the reality is that I’m not home much during the week and we just haven’t made it much beyond quick hellos in passing.  But in one of these passing conversations in our adjancent driveways over the summer, […]

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Tech Update

I’m sort of back in business on the technical front.  But only at work, which is not a great solution since I have the day job and all.  At home, the news is not good.  Trojan Horse Criminal Ring:  1,  Fordeville:  0 Punks.  P is still working on it but is warming to the idea that we need […]

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Street Fair, Suburban Style

It’s so badly named — maybe that’s why I initially dismissed the notion of FestiFall.  Maybe it sounds too much like Festivus (“It’s time for the airing of the grievances!”). I also had no idea the scale of this thing, this street fair on steroids that occuppied our suburban downtown last Sunday. I hated street […]

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Foiled, For Now

Our home computer has been taken over by some nasty virus.  It is totally and completely blank, empty, out of commission.  Also, my company revoked access to personal email last week.  And now, today, for some reason, I can’t access all of blogland’s glory on WordPress while at work either — they are blocking the […]

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We got engaged six years ago today.  That means six years ago right now I was falling for what was, in retrospect, an elaborate ruse to get me to the location for the big event (our favorite bar, for the record).  The ruse  involved a series of emails from two friends, Heather and Marc — something about […]

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The Great Escape

Well, we pulled it off.  Three days away, kidless.  By “pulled it off,” I mean barely and not without huge favors, but off we went.  And it was great. I won’t even get into the logistics entailed to ensure our children and dog had their basic needs met for three days.  I owe some people […]

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