Note to Self: Be More Specific

This is what happens when you tell a 3 year-old that he can choose one treat in the store.  It’s my own fault.  And, really, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Thankfully he was distracted by an airplane greeting card… One thing I didn’t notice until I uploaded the photo was the price.  That […]

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A Woman on a (Selfish) Mission

It never ceases to amaze me how much prep work it entails to get out of town.  This time (cue angels singing), P and I will escape sans kids.  It’s been about 18 months since we’ve had a night away by ourselves (oh, unless you count my colleague’s wedding last year when I spent more […]

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First Day of Pre-School

Glad to report that everything went as well as it could have.  For me, that meant no tantrums, no potty accidents and the inclusion of a train table in the classroom.  Score. I was nervous about this transition, only because it’s one of many that we’ve thrown at my son over the last few months […]

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Sunday Morning at the Y

Glad to report that neither my son nor my husband disliked the parent-child swim class that I signed them up for as much as I had anticipated.  It was 50/50 as to who was going to be more annoyed with me for this, but they had a great time.  I did it to avoid a […]

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An Overdue Gift to Myself

If you’re Type A like me, you have to-do lists.  Plural.  Categorized. In addition to the day to day stuff on my list, I have this Ongoing/Long Term list (which often translates to Overdue or Overlooked).  I won’t spill its full contents today but one of the things on it for the last 3 years is […]

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Nine Years Later

There is always that buffer of about a week between Labor Day weekend —  filled with its mixed emotions and goodbyes to summer, barbecues and extended vacations — and 9/11.  And it seems to sneak up on me every year.  I work across the street from Ground Zero and am glad that this year 9/11 […]

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