Raise a Glass

As you all prepare for your fun New Year’s Eve festivities, I thought I might share the recipe for our favorite house drink, the espresso martini — a Fordeville specialty and party staple. 

Skeptical?  Yes, we’ve heard the protests and snickering before.  I’ll cut to the chase and tell you why you should try one:

  • You don’t have to be a martini person to enjoy it (but you do have to like coffee).
  • No, it’s not a chick drink.  We don’t make them all froufy with Baileys.  Keep reading.
  • It mixes two of my favorite vices:  very potent caffeine and very potent alcohol.
  • You don’t get all sleepy after a few cocktails.  Au contraire.  Way contraire.
  • No, it’s still not a chick drink.  Have one and then come back to me.

Back in 2004, while on vacation in St. Martin, we had a bartender serve these up and they were sublime. Since then, we’ve been on a quest to replicate his exact blend.  It’s easy to screw up — trust me, we’ve seen it done plenty of bad ways. P, ever the perfectionist, has spent a fair amount of time over the years tweaking the recipe to get it just right, during which time he has converted many family members and friends into believers (I’m looking at you, Markus).  So, in the spirit of holiday sharing, here you go.

Fordeville Espresso Martinis

First, wet your martini glass and put it in the freezer for a few minutes to chill it.  Then, combine in a shaker:

  • 2 oz very strong coffee or espresso
  • 1 oz espresso vodka
  • 1/2 oz Kahlua
  • 1 oz vanilla vodka

Shake with ice.  Serve very cold.  Yield:  1 drink.  Don’t operate any heavy machinery.

OK, now I want one, but I’ll wait a few hours.  Enjoy, and Happy 2011!

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  1. Erinn says:

    Yum. Right in my wheelhouse. Although I might go even lighter on the Kahula for more pure coffee/vodka shazam.

    Here’s our favorite — the Angel’s Share. We have been known to drink a little bourbon and this is like a bourbon margarita. Adapted from Vintry on Stone Street — they mix a mean one.

    Combine with ice in your shaker:
    * 2 shots of Woodford Reserve (or bourbon you like best)
    * About 2 tsps or more to taste of agave nectar (you can also use homemade simple syrup)
    * 1 scant shot of fernet branca (you can always add more)
    * Fresh squeezed juice of 1 lemon

    Served in a chilled martini glass, swipe the rim with the remaining damp lemon rind and dust the edge with pink Hawaiian sea salt. (I know, it sounds fruffy and affected — but it is totally tasty — it has a higher sodium content, large crystals, and did I mention, it’s ruby colored.) Enjoy!

    • fordeville says:

      Erinn, I agree re the Kahlua. We actually cut it back from a full ounce for that very reason, so now it’s far less intrusive to the shazam.

      Your drink sounds amazing, even to this normally non-bourbon gal. I could easily be converted to the dark side with that recipe, pink salts and all. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sounds yummy.

  3. Markus says:

    Ah yes, I still have fond memories of the four of us at the Mercer Hotel having a round of espresso martinis…they were so intoxicatingly delicious, that once we were seated for dinner and the sommelier stopped over to inquire as to which of their outstanding selections of wine we would be starting with, we promptly burst his oenefile bubble by having rounds (plural) of these fantastic libations with our meal. Circle the wagons!

    And the rest, as they say, is history!

    Miss you guys, and we look forward to getting together soon!

    Markus & LD

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