The Next Big Thing

After an almost two-week break from work and school, we are back to real life over in Fordeville.  And it sucks.

I don’t think I have Seasonal Mood Disorder or anything that severe, but this first week back to work after the holidays is really a downer.

No more grazing in the kitchen at all hours for Christmas treats and that occasional mid-afternoon glass of wine.  No more pajamas until 10:00 (or later).  No more disregarding my Blackberry, as its red light now blinks with increasing frequency and impatience (“Stop eating Christmas leftovers and answer me!”).  No more bad daytime TV (and, wow, is it bad).  No more Starbucks holiday cups (sniff).

But, on the bright side:  No more holiday madness.  No more blizzard, yet.  And no more leftover ham.  I’m hammed out, big time.  Ham, be gone.

I always have my eye on the next big (or even medium) thing to look forward to.  For us, it’s a warm weather getaway — our first vacation with all four of us.  We are getting our planning finalized and hope to hit that “Book it” button this week.  So, if all goes well, I will be blogging from a beach in early March.  You know, because one always has a free hand or two when supervising toddlers near bodies of water.  While they throw sand and spill my beachy, umbrella-laden vacation cocktails.

Perhaps I’ll call in a guest blogger while I handle the water-side supervision.

Hm.  All this beach talk is making me think about buying a bathing suit and now I’m feeling slightly traumatized (see “ham leftovers,” “wine” and “holiday grazing”).  But, other than that, let’s get it booked.

What about you guys?  What’s your next big (or medium) thing?

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  1. Super jealous of your beachy-keen getaway. My only goal is to stop driving past the gym. I mean, it’s okay if I only make it to the parking lot. I don’t have to go in or anything. Sets the bar too high.

    • fordeville says:

      I hear you. Baby steps. You don’t want to pull a muscle.
      Want to feel better? I go into the building itself to bring my kid to swim class, walk *past the gym facilities* and straight back to my car.

  2. whitney says:

    So … my dad gave me a frozen ham from work last Christmas that I couldn’t refreeze. I ate so much in so many varieties that I haven’t been able to even look at it for a year. I feel your hammed-out pain! Still. Good luck with the winter vacation planning — can’t wait to hear what you pick. I fear I have no big (or even medium) thing to live for until Memorial Day. But I’ll be spending that on another continent. Hooray!

    • fordeville says:

      Ooof, the ham overload. My mom asked me for the ham bone so she could make lentil soup and I almost got sick at the thought of additional ham-fueled items. I mean, it was good on days 1-4, but enough.

      Do you have off from work for MLK Day? That’s a medium thing, and soon. And, if not, take solace in your other-continent trip (must hear more!) equals about 15 Next Big Things.

      More to come on my vacation planning soon…

  3. Ed says:

    “Ham, be gone”?!? I’m not sure we can be friends anymore.

  4. Debbie says:

    The end of the holiday season always means the beginning of cheerleading competition season with Alyssa. I get to spend every weekend from January until April travelling the East Coast, spending my days and nights in crowded arenas filled with thousands of screaming cheerleaders…and their moms. I know you’re jealous. 😉

    Truth be told, I love every minute of it…it’s special “Mommy and Alyssa” time and I get to watch her excel at a sport that I’ve loved since I was 7 years old. 🙂

    • fordeville says:

      Debbie, that’s really nice. Reminds me of my childhood weekends spent at dance competitions — and all the things my mom did to make that happen.

      Enjoy. (And does your daughter one of the cheerleaders that gets launched up in the air?)

  5. Ed says:

    In the interest of repairing our friendship, I give you:

    • fordeville says:

      Thank you for the olive branch. There’s really nothing quite like James Van Buren holding a ham in his presidential portrait. My day is complete and I regret any damage the “ham be gone” reference may have caused.

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