Sand, Meet Toes

It’s finally here.  Vacation.

And while my kind relatives stay at our house to hang with the pug, we will be out in the sun.  Well, covered in hats, sensible sleeves and SPF 5,000 (residents of Fordeville tend to burn under a 50-watt bulb, so I take no chances — the look is sort of Beekeeper Chic). 

Anyway, the point is this:  We’re outta here, people.

I have no doubt that there will be many an entertaining nugget to share from vacationland, but I’ll do so afterwards.  Because I’m taking a week off from life.  That means from work.  From laundry and household upkeep.  From home renovation and decorating projects.  From everything but my family.  Oh, and not from cocktails.  OK, and probably not from The Twitter, because, well, I just can’t.  And it’s too much cruel fun to tweet real-time photos of my adventures (cue mass exodus of followers).  

So, where does this leave my six loyal readers?  Lest we fear the Earth will stand still on its axis without any new content (as if), I have lined up some fabulous guest bloggers to entertain you in my absence.  Friends of Fordeville, if you will.

My intention was to really span different types of writers here.  But they have two things in common:  Great writing and wit extraordinaire.  They consist of a newbie to the blogosphere, a broadcast journalist, a beer brewing aficionado and a seasoned parenting/mom blogger.  It’s a little like an updated line-up of this familiar crew. 

One of them even took me to a prom in 1989.  I won’t tell you which one — yet.  But it wasn’t the mom blogger. 

These fabulous folks have agreed to address some very critical issues in my absence.  Not Egypt.  Or malaria.  Or temporary custody of Charlie Sheen.  Or even the mastery of IKEA assembly instructions.

No, I’ve asked them to give serious thought to two questions — one meant to optimize my vacation, and the other meant to ease my transition back into real life when I come home. Because it’s all about me. Well, at least in this domain that I pay for.    

1)  What is your must-have vacation cocktail?   

2)  What show *must* I record on the DVR while I’m away?  

I told you, it’s heavy duty stuff. Because my life is, for better or worse, often reduced to a nice drink and some TV at the end of a long day. So I may as well operate in style and expand my horizons beyond a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and Keeping Up With the Kardashians PBS. 

So please welcome my bloggy friends while I’m gone. And wish me luck on the flight with The Two Toddlers Who Never Sit Still.

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  1. Jen T says:

    You know as soon as I’m done commenting, I am off to look in Ben’s yearbook to see who the prom date was. I was never good at suspense.

    In the meantime, I would have to say the killer mango drink I drank the entire time I was in Mexico last fall. No idea what it was, but let’s just say I drank more in those five days than I did during that Clam Jam with the unfortunate porta-a-potty incident (allow me to apologize once again).

    As for the TV, since my viewing consists of Lifetime movie marathons when I am sick and currently, the entire Seventh Heaven series with Em, I am probably not the person to ask.

    • fordeville says:

      I didn’t say it was *my* prom. But even if you do figure it out, keep it to yourself for now 🙂

    • Jen T says:

      So apparently my headache is worse than I thought, as I answered both those questions and missed the fact that the guest bloggers were supposed to. Back to bed. Have a great trip!

  2. Erinn says:

    Enjoy your time off! A favorite vacation cocktail should be entirely dependent upon the location of the trip. When in Rome, a Negroni, if you will. You get the idea.

    Regarding your DVR: Portlandia (I think it is on IFC). Hilarious.

  3. Jessica says:

    Good luck on your flight and enjoy your vacation. Can’t wait to hear about it when you get back.

  4. Have a great time. In your vacation enthusiasm, do NOT inhale the umbrella in your drink.

  5. Have fun and good luck! Traveling with toddlers is always an, ahem, “adventure”. And I agree with Erinn. Judging that you’re going to a hot place, though? I’d say Margarita or Pina Colada 😉

  6. Luisa Megale says:

    Ahh the flight – Jack has done 7 flights of more than 20 hours EACH before his 3rd birthday – needed all the wine I could muster on those flights. Enjoy and brng back tales of family time and tell me what life is like without a Blackberry flashing at you (PS learned how to turn that flashing light off last week – lastest a day before I turned it back on)

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