Tiny Dancer


Call me under-caffeinated, but I was just thinking about who this photo reminds me of.

My daughter and Elton John (the early years): Separated at birth?

The big glasses. 

The hair. 

The “too much going on” outfit. 

The superstar pose.

The love affair with the sound of their own voices.

Just saying.  They’re not dissimilar.  And I suspect she’s envious of his feathered shirt.

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  1. Misfit Mommy says:

    I suspect that Elton would be more than a little envious of all that beautiful hair… 🙂

    • fordeville says:

      Ha. Perhaps. We just won’t tell him that her hair tends to channel Nick Nolte’s mug shot on most days.

  2. HAH – very very funny. And kudos to you for thinking on your toes and making that connection in your undercaffeinated state 😉

    • fordeville says:

      You can see that my brain accomplishes deep things when undercaffeinated. Next up, Us Weekly analysis 🙂

  3. Kristin says:

    I have a shot of my daughter in a similarly fabulous outfit. I buy clothes for her that I wish I had the guts to wear myself. 😉

    • fordeville says:

      Yeah, that jacket didn’t seem quite so “what are you thinking?” under the lights at Target. In plain daylight, it’s a bit much.

  4. Ha! I love that you made that connection. Hilarious!!!

    • fordeville says:

      Thanks. Is it going too far to think about a “Bitch is Back” joke next time she has a tantrum? I can’t resist.

  5. anna says:

    uncanny resemblance – now get that girl some rhinesotne glasses!

    • fordeville says:

      Excellent idea! I’m on it. That, and hounding the Royals about why she didn’t get a wedding invite.

  6. Jessica says:

    Oh my. Separated at birth and about 40 years. Other than that they are completely identical. Except your daughter is cuter.

  7. Desiree says:

    Cutest thing ever.

  8. Glamamom says:

    Ha ha! Totally. She could do worse.

  9. Amazing! I didn’t even need to see your title to think of Elton John with that photo. Your little lady has a big life ahead of her! Perhaps she’ll bring you along to the next royal wedding.

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