The Renovation Sanity Meter

On Monday — at long last — Project Pimp My Basement gets underway.  It’s a big job.  Total demolition.  Re-zoning heat, moving the furnace, upgrading electricity.

It’s a total and complete overhaul.  Right now, it’s an unfinished space, filled with boxes and old toys and, well, everything (more on this below).  If I had a few drinks in me, I might have the guts to post some “before” photos.  Sorry.

Anyway, the end goal is to create some great additional living space, both for us and for the kids’ stuff.  Everything will be new.  Like my laundry room, complete with machines that were made in this century.  And the wet bar.  Because I clearly need a place to sit and stare at the pretty new front-loaders.

The sad reality is that, when this is all done, our basement is going to be the nicest part of our house.  By far.

The general contractor said the job should take five weeks.  So I’m mentally banking on six to eight weeks.  Let’s see where we land.  I think we all know that you’ll be along for the ride.

But first.

Important business.

Uh, we have to empty the basement.  This weekend.  Top to bottom.

Have I mentioned that my husband and I have an ongoing difference in world views on keeping versus purging?  He’s a hoarder keeper and I’m a purger.  Mostly.  Unless it’s stuff that I like, and then it stays regardless.

So, in what could be the premise for a bad reality show, he and I will basically lock ourselves in the basement all weekend and duke it out over what stays and what gets tossed into this eyesore in my driveway.  I’ll think of it as inspiration.

Today’s marital showdown will really be just be the tip of the iceberg in testing my Renovation Sanity Meter.  Because, come Monday morning, the crew arrives and the following things will begin to transpire.  All of which are not on my list of That Which I Tolerate Well:



–Strangers walking around

–People asking me to make decisions on the spot

–A Port-a-Potty in my driveway (not for us, for the crew)

–Revoked access to do laundry

–Did I mention noise and dust?


Don’t you worry, I’ll keep you guys posted.  But if you don’t hear from me by, say, Tuesday, you might send someone to check on my sanity.

But there is one bright spot in this weekend’s project.  In our spare basement fridge — the one we use for entertaining — we have a generous supply of wine and beer.  Without anywhere else to put it, things could get interesting in the Battle of Keep Vs. Purge.

And now I’m off to do my Farewell Laundry Loads in these antiques.


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  1. I’ve written about my struggles with keeping vs purging and my husband. I have called him a hoarder but “keeper” is a much nicer word. Best of luck. These types of projects are never easy in our world (unless he goes away and I throw it all out). The alcohol will help 😉

  2. Kerri says:

    I love to throw out, alas, I do not do it as often as I should!

  3. cannot wait to follow along. as a true sign that i am fully subarbanized, i DREAM about those gleamy laundry rooms. i really want one. also one of those painted floor, metal shelving garages that i seem to see all over the place these days.

  4. I’m betting on nine and a half weeks. Where do I mail my bet?

    My laundry room is not large, but it is greatly improved from what it was, complete with a counter to fold laundry, cabinets to store products, a hanging bar, a slop sink, and oversized, stacked, front-loading machines. YAY!!!! You’re going to love it when it’s finished.

    • fordeville says:

      I would be glad to take your cash bet off your hands to offset my renovation costs. I do think 9.5 weeks is a good guess. I think I’ll post some photos after a week or two and have an over/under completion contest.

      Oh and you had me at slop sink.

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