A Year of Oversharing

It’s birthday time for one of my babies.  Not the human ones, or even the dashing pug.  But this baby here, on your screen.

The Fordeville Diaries turns one.

In full disclosure, the blog’s birthday was yesterday, but it obviously didn’t feel like a celebratory day.  Plus, I’m all for extending any sort of birthday celebration past the technical date, so here we are.

It would be a little obnoxious to actually have a birthday cake for my blog.  So, instead, I plan to bury my head in a tub of my favorite ice cream tonight to celebrate properly.  After I raise a glass or two, naturally.

Over the course of the year, there have been 128 posts here.  Some were better than others.  If you want a little walk down Memory Lane of what people read the most, they are the Greatest Hits over on the right side of my site.

I wish I had a screen shot of the first version of my blog.  It was pretty pathetic.  I knew nothing except “Hey, lemme go out and get a WordPress account and see what I can figure out.”

Why?  Because I love to write.  And chat.  And tell stories.  And sometimes overshare.  Plus, I have no journal, so it would be nice to have a record of some sort of what goes on around here.  This also gives my husband an opportunity to call Bullshit on me when I inevitably exaggerate the truth at a later point in time.

So I gave blogging a go.  I didn’t know if anyone would read, except my husband — because I made him.  Then, friends, old and new, came to Fordeville to visit — mostly because I begged or blackmailed them.  Family was next — mostly because I guilted them into it.  But then — then — something funny started to happen.  People I never met came to visit.  OK, maybe some of them were looking for the Brazilian auto parts manufacturer named Fordeville.  But whatever.

And, whether people were reading or not, this became my outlet.  My non-paying job to which I’ve held myself accountable.  My other baby.  I tell it most of my secrets, I protect it fiercely and I try to nurture and grow it as much as I can.  I spend a lot of time here behind my keyboard, and I enjoy the hell out of it.

I learned a ton in a year.  It was a whole new world.  Things like Search Engine Optimization, and the addictive qualities of Twitter and Instagram.  But also that Blogland is a real and vibrant place with some amazing people.  And, yes, a few strange ones too.  Just like real life.

The best part is that you guys read it.  And some of you even come back.  A lot.  Even though I have never met some readers in person, I know a lot about you.  Others, I’ve been lucky to meet at blog events.  Even after that, they still came back here to read more.  That may be the greatest mystery of all.

And some of you even comment.  The comments are Blogging Gold.  Seriously.  Every single one is like a little present that says “Oh, look — there is somebody out there who pretends to give a rat’s ass about your stupid basement renovation, your borderline neuroses and your suburban tales of woe.”  So, if you take the time to come here and read, thank you so much.  Truly.  And if you take more time to comment, well, you only have yourself to blame that I keep writing — because you are an enabler.  And I love you for it.

So.  Here’s to the blog’s first birthday.  It has been a true slice of life.  In no particular order:  I left my job.  I renovated my house.  I tackled suburbia.  I drank wine.  I called my husband a hoarder.  I obsessed about a bunch of stupid shit.  I traveled.  I drank wine.  I went mental over a U2 show.  I cleaned up puke all over the East Coast {see “I traveled”}.  I cursed a lot.  I drank wine.  I watched my kids grow a year older.  And I felt my heart split in half when I lost one of my very best friends.

There’s much more to come.  After all, the basement is still torn apart.  The kids are off to pre-school.  I’m still drinking wine.  And I’m *this close* to going on a kids-free weekend trip.  So, if you’ll have me, I’d like to stick around and keep you all posted.  Because I have a lot more to learn and I feel like I’m just getting started.

In the meantime, let me do something for you other than give you my huge thanks:  If you need an excuse to eat a bowl of ice cream tonight, do it for the Fordeville Birthday Bash.  Go ahead and have another scoop.  Don’t forget the chocolate syrup.

And the celebratory drink(s).


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  1. Beth says:

    If you need me, I’ll be at Cold Stone. Go Fordeville!

  2. Steve Lemson says:

    So here I am, sitting in a comfortable chair while A has his SAT tutorial (don’t get me started on that subject) and drinking a glass of a very nice Austrian rose in your honor. You have gone where I never would have dared. You, dear Forde, are a hero of mine. Writing is an act of bravery. Blogging, well, perhaps that’s foolhardy bravery, but it’s an act of visceral courage, nonetheless. So here’s to you, dear Forde, on the first birthday of your blog-baby’s life. I hope it has many years ahead of it. We miss you in the office, but we all hope you don’t have time to miss us. S.

    • fordeville says:

      Oh Steve, you had me at Austrian rose.
      How incredibly kind of you to say these things — it means a lot to me. Thanks for all of your support! And yes, I miss all of you in the office — but not so much the office itself.

  3. Hey, congratulations. I’ve enjoyed your blog since I discovered it and look forward to more of your humor and oversharing. And you don’t have to tell me twice to eat some ice cream.

    • fordeville says:

      Margaret, you may get the Top Commenter Award! Thanks for always reading and contributing your witty replies — I appreciate it so much.

  4. Ed says:


    Can you tell me if you have replacement T-tops in stock for a 1987 Chevy Monte Carlo SS?

    Muchos Gracias.

    • fordeville says:


      Lo siento, pero no los tengo. Esta es un “blog,” pero para ayuda con su pregunta, por favor escribe a http://www.fordeville.com.

      Los Fordeville Diaries

      {By the way, my first car was an 86 Monte Carlo — total Jersey Girl w my big hair and big car}

  5. Heather says:

    I’m raising a glass of sake to you! Fordeville is one of my favorite places to go — makes me feel just a bit closer to you and home 🙂 keep up the great work — so proud of you, my dear friend! xoxo

  6. Tracy says:

    Congrats! & I like Ed. 🙂

  7. Evelyn says:

    I knew from the time you were 5 when you won your first writing contest that you would be a wonderful writer. See, sometimes I am actually right. I am so proud of you. You have a gift (not just your writing but your wonderful sense of humor). Wonder who you got that from?. Congrats on your 1st year.
    Love you, Mom

    • fordeville says:

      A comment on the blog from my mom — a Fordeville first! Yay!
      Thanks Mom — that’s so nice. {Although, you know that contest was a poster contest for the local ambulance corps, right? I just had to draw a truck.}

  8. Suzanne says:

    Who loves ya fordeville? Happy Birthday &
    thank you, because no one ever has to tell me
    twice to have ice cream! Here’s to you and
    your wonderful, entertaining, relatable writing!
    You had me at hello ; )

  9. Happiest anniversary to you! I love what you write and wish you the best for many years to come.

  10. Alexandra says:

    Happy one year blog anniversary.

    Aren’t you glad you started?

    It makes life a helluva less lonely.


    Here’s to another year from a very, very funny woman.

  11. Sandi says:

    Congratulations. Very fun stuff. And I agree with yo mama 😉

  12. Markus says:

    Happy Birthday Fordeville! I bet you’ll be teething soon! (Nothing a little wine won’t help cure)

  13. happy birthday fordeville diaries!

    i tried to get a screenshot of your newborn days, but the wayback machine failed me. i did however enter a screenshot for today, so as your blog changes, you’ll always have a memory of her (his?)first birthday.

    can’t wait to see what year two brings.

    • fordeville says:

      Anna, thank you so much! You have been so supportive and helpful — I appreciate it so much. See, you even came to the party with a present — the screenshot is a great idea. Thanks!

  14. Kim says:

    love your blog with or without a glass of wine. You keep me smiling….

  15. Luisa Megale says:

    All I can say – is please do not stop – ever

    • fordeville says:

      Aw, thanks for always reading. No plans to stop anytime soon. There’s too much crazy stored up in my head — it’s got to come out somewhere…

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