Blogging & Babies Don’t Mix

Hello Outside World!

I see all of you, out and about on the other side of my window panes.

Greetings from Newbornland.

You know, that place where time is all contorted.

That place where you can, of course, leave the house — and your intentions to do so are quite noble — but it just never seems to happen.

That place where you live under the cover of darkness because your new baby likes to party by the light of the moon. {It’s good to know that my college all-nighters have served as decent parental training, even if they seem like Amateur Hour compared to this eight-pound nocturnal professional.}

That place where everything else gets neglected {except the other kids, mostly}. You know, things like general house upkeep. Not the kind where I’m being picky or OCD. The kind where you wonder how much longer the family can actually function without a load of laundry getting done. The kind where the dog has begun to pack a bag and seek out a more attentive family.

I’ll give you a tour of Newbornland — in case you’ve forgotten. Don’t worry, it will be super-quick.

First, we’ll visit the couch and chair where I sit and nurse the baby for about 20 hours every day. I’m starting to wonder if any scant muscle tone I’ve developed over the years has completely atrophied at this point.

Then, I’ll show you the diaper changing station.

And, finally, I’ll make a quick, passing reference — from a painful distance — to my bed and to the shower that are allegedly upstairs. I can’t quite remember because I haven’t seen them in a while.

That completes our tour. Don’t trip on the laundry piles when seeing yourself out.

But, despite the perils of Newbornland, this baby melts my heart into a million pieces. Even if I am getting about two or three hours of sleep per night.

It’s fleeting. It’s fleeting, I tell myself.

I chant it. He will grow so fast. It’s a blip.

{These statements seem much less rational and comforting at 4am.}

So in addition to my dog and my house feeling neglected, my blog is all dusty and unloved too.

But the truth is that babies and blogging don’t mix. I would give you the top ten reasons why, but I don’t think I can stay awake that long.  Here are the ones that immediately come to mind:

  • I can’t type with one hand.
  • I can’t really concentrate or think clearly.
  • How many is that? And what day is it?
  • Any free moment I have is taken up by my kids or my ice cream habit.
  • It seems wrong to blog when I don’t have groceries in the house.
  • What was I just saying?

See what I mean?

That’s OK. Because I’m busy sniffing this baby’s head.


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  1. You made a lovely human. Your blog may be dusty, but it smells like a fresh baby, and that’s a wonderful thing. Congratulations on your sweet boy!

  2. Aw, he is a doll. Don’t worry, we’ll be here when you emerge from Newbornland. Enjoy the fleeting scent of new baby. Man, I miss that. But I’m all set with the no sleep thing, thanks.

  3. Oh…so sweet! New baby is the best excuse for anything! Enjoy your sweet little guy!

  4. So so so cute! That’s all I can think about now. Cute, tiny, swaddled babies.

  5. Hillary says:

    OMG! He is scrumptious! We’ll all wait for your while you nurse that little bundle. Don’t you worry. I miss newborns right now–like majorly fighting a baby bug. Hugs to you, mama!

  6. Lisa Anselmo says:

    He is adorable. Time really flies!! Xoxox

  7. Devan says:

    What a sweetie!!! I do so recall how all the comforting words that made perfect sense in the daytime had no affect at night, funny how that happens, and by funny I mean YAWN! You got this mama! Don’t worry, were not going anywhere! <3 Devan

  8. The blog will always be here…newborn baby head will turn into yogurt toddler head and sweaty kid head, so, make a pillow out of your piles of laundry and enjoy.

  9. Lori says:

    Oh my goodness!! Rest up without worry. We will be here when you have time. Blogging can wait.
    PS: I just got a baby high from sniffing my computer screen.

  10. Carrie says:

    Aww…that is sheer cuteness to the bone.

    I just found you and I’m glad. Be dusty…I don’t care. You’ve got a great excuse to be dusty. A beautiful excuse.

    I’ll just be waiting for you to be un-dusty so I can read more!!

  11. Anna says:

    Cutest.Baby.Ever. And no one is online during the summer anyway, so your not missing much. Enjoy and inhale some new baby smell for me, too. xo

  12. fordeville says:

    Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone — so nice!

  13. Pam says:

    “It seems wrong to blog when I have no groceries in the house” Love it!!! Congratulations:) He’s beautiful.

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