The Hunger Games, Toddler Edition

Political freedom. Religious persecution. — Probably not the reasons why my son is on a hunger strike.   Protesting the Paw Patrol plot line. Hates all food. Control. — Could be the reasons.     Determining my breaking point. Testing boundaries. Being two. — Most likely the reasons.   Kids are picky, I get it. […]

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The Stranger

In the spirit of not being misleading, let me first tell you that the title of today’s post does not, unfortunately, refer to the very fine 1977 Billy Joel album of the same name. Nor is it a recap of the Camus novel that tortured so many of us in high school English class as we […]

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I’m 82 in Ski Years

Skiing is one of those sports that seems like a great idea as a family pursuit in the long run, but requires a good amount of gear, expense, organization and whining management skills upfront. This past weekend, we packed up the kids, 5.6 million metric tons of stuff, and off we went. We had originally planned […]

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To Leap or Not to Leap?

Today is Leap Day and so it’s fitting that I tell you about the events of the last five days. Do you do well with making important decisions? I mean really big ones — beyond how many times to nuke that cup of coffee before giving up and realizing it’s a symbol for how your […]

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Pimp My Ride (2.0)

As parents, we make many important decisions that impact our families. Which foods should we buy organic? How much screen time should our kids get? How many days in a row is too many to wear my favorite yoga pants? Is the Pottery Barn Kids toy kitchen worth the price of a mortgage payment? And […]

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Do You Have a Disney World Problem?

There are two kinds of people out there: those who have a Disney World problem and those who do not.* (*and, technically, there is a third kind: those who don’t yet know they have a Disney World problem) My name is Kim and I have a Disney World problem. You might know people like me […]

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Coach Taylor Ruined My New Year’s Resolutions

Is the New Year’s resolution window closed yet? Because, on that topic, I have good news and bad news. Good news: I have resolutions. I gave them a lot of thought and I mean(t) business. Bad news: I’m getting derailed. More good news: I have someone to blame. Coach Taylor. Yeah, him. Of the Dillon, […]

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The Ghost of Christmas Renovations Past

Do you do that thing when, faced with an insurmountable and beyond overwhelming to-do list, you instead choose to do something entirely unrelated and pretty much unproductive? No? Just me? Because it’s after midnight as I’m typing this, and trust me when I tell you that the amount I have to do to make all […]

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The Cyber Monday Virgin Report

You guys, I’m a little scared. I’m scared that if I move my eyes off of this computer screen, they will begin to suffer withdrawal spasms and not be able to focus on actual real-life things that aren’t preceded by a blinking cursor or surrounded by the words SALE, TODAY ONLY, or CART. I blame […]

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A Guide to Luxury Holiday Seating: Teen Edition

So, you might think that my lack of recent blogging means I have been immersed in some highly unproductive habits. Like perhaps celebrating the long overdue demise of pumpkin-everything season as we finally usher in the glorious Month of Peppermint. Or, maybe tying my own hands behind my back as to not engage in any online discussion of the current […]

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