Foiled, For Now

Our home computer has been taken over by some nasty virus.  It is totally and completely blank, empty, out of commission.  Also, my company revoked access to personal email last week.  And now, today, for some reason, I can’t access all of blogland’s glory on WordPress while at work either — they are blocking the site.  I’m feeling very disconnected (as I beg, borrow and steal 5 minutes on P’s work laptop that he brought home).  So, I’m on a blog siesta for a while, I guess, until P outwits the Trojan virus dudes or we (gulp) agree to voluntarily wipe out the contents of the computer and rebuild it.  I’m a digital hoarder — that option kills me.  But I’m also a (mostly) good backer-upper, so it should be (mostly) ok.  I think. 

In the meantime, bear with me and say a little prayer for hacker justice.  Oh and if weird shit starts coming through the blog, you’ll know the virus crooks got my WordPress password and decided to have some fun.  Jerks.

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  1. Onnie says:

    WordPress for blackberry… for those moments you just MUST blog…

    • fordeville says:

      Onnie, I wish. No can do on the work Blackberry. My next move is to break down and just get the iPhone already for personal use. Then I’ll have two devices, which seems crazy….I don’t know…

      • Onnie says:

        I’m in the same boat with the locked down work blackberry… killjoys.

        As ridiculous as it seems, two devices seems to be the way of the world if you are stuck with your corporate device and actually want to do anything remotely interesting while mobile, as well… unless you can get office email to play nice with your iPhone.

        I went iPad for device #2. Great for planes, etc, so I’m guessing would go well on the commute.

  2. Onnie says:

    I’m sure I do take some plane rides that are shorter than your commute on certain days…

    I think I read somewhere in your social media empire of a recent iPhone acquisition – if so, congrats!

    • fordeville says:

      Yes, Fordeville meets iPhone, it’s true. I’ve always been a PC girl so this is my first bite into the real Apple empire. So far, so good, despite the two-device nonsense (Bberry for work).

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