So we’re back from Florida. I have some highlights to share with you, but not just yet. For now, let me just say this: If you’re ever concerned about global warming and want a surefire way to lower your hometown’s average temperature by 20 degrees or so, give me a call. My family and I will bring a localized Arctic Blast right to you. Just a little short-term cold pattern to last the length of our stay. Really, give us a try.
But in the meantime, I have to tell you that clearly I should go away more often. Because crazy exciting things happened while I was gone.
First, I got a fabulous phone call. It happened while I waiting in an endless line to have my kids meet Ariel. Or maybe it was my husband who really wanted to meet Ariel. Whatever. The point is that this call delivered the great news that I’ve been selected to join this year’s New York cast of Listen to Your Mother.

How exciting is that? I auditioned a few weeks ago and basically chalked it up to a good experience, since I was pretty sure they didn’t want to cast someone who looked like she might vomit from nervousness. Not exactly a crowd-pleasing vibe.
But, somehow, I was selected. I went to my first rehearsal last night and I’m so thrilled to be joining this fabulous group of writers. And while I’m perfectly comfortable on my couch in my yoga pants behind the keyboard, reading my work in front of a live audience is going to be a first for me. I will probably pass out. Or hyperventilate. Or go into labor {since the show is just a few weeks shy of my due date}. If you want to see for yourself how this pans out, you can buy your tickets here.
Something else equally exciting happened while I was freezing in Florida and wondering why Ariel was only wearing a seashell bra in a borderline-frost climate.
I had my writing published.
In a book.
This book.
The one that is, as I type this, sitting at #1 in the Amazon Humor/Parenting & Families category and #4 in Overall Humor.
{For the record, that’s ahead of Mindy Kaling and Chelsea Handler’s books. Now we have to set our sights on knocking Sarah Silverman and Tina Fey out of the #1 and #2 spots.}
Wait. What?
Yes. The amazing powerhouse Jen of People I Want to Punch in the Throat gathered 30+ bloggers for an anthology of fabulous parenting essays.
Here’s a full list of my hilarious partners in crime:
Insane in the Mom Brain
The Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva
Baby Sideburns
Rants From Mommyland
You Know it Happens at Your House Too
The Underachiever’s Guide to Being a Domestic Goddess
My Life and Kids
Bad Parenting Moments
Let Me Start By Saying
Frugalista Blog
Suburban Snapshots
Ninja Mom
Four Plus an Angel
Honest Mom
Binkies and Briefcases
Naps Happen
Kelley’s Break Room
Toulouse & Tonic
Hollow Tree Ventures
Mom’s New Stage
Nurse Mommy Laughs
The Dose of Reality
The Mom of the Year
Life on Peanut Layne
Cloudy, With a Chance of Wine
Confessions of a Cornfed Girl
I Love Them Most When They’re Sleeping
Random Handprints
You’re My Favorite Today
Funny is Family
My Real Life
Again, I’m so thrilled to be included. These ladies are funny and irreverent and setting the blogosphere on fire.
What’s that, you ask? Where can you buy this book? How can you help us outsell Tina Fey and Sarah Silverman?
Ah, I happen to have that information handy.
For the Kindle version, you can find it here.
iTunes folks, head over here.
Old school print copy, here you go.
I mean, you can’t expect me to tell you about Disney World after all that, right? Because there clearly aren’t enough Mickey waffles on Walt Disney’s personal grill to compete with this other news right now. I am still waiting for it to sink in myself.
Then we can go back to half-nude Ariel and the like.
Congrats and what a great welcome home!!! You need to go away on vacation more often!!
Thanks Teri (and to you on the book, too)! I agree that this should be carte blanche for me to take more vacations, right?
You’re awesome. Congrats on both counts!
Thanks — glad to ride this crazy train with you.
Congrats on LTYM! WOOT!
This book is keeping me awake- I keep laughing and muttering quotes to my husband. He really likes that.
I think I’m going to finish reading my copy in the spare bedroom.
Proof right here of Karma, baby! Any mom taking her pregnant self on a plane and then taking her young children around Disney (not to mention taking her husband to see Ariel) deserves a lot of good news.
Congrats on it all.
Thanks Anna.
Wait, I have good karma now? Oh, I could get used to this.
What an awesome week for you! I KNEW you were going to get picked for LTYM – those ladies were roaring with laughter when you were in there.
Thank you so much. But still, the best part of that day was the HBU lunch at Hard Times.
Congratulations on the Listen to Your Mother gig. That was a tough list to get on. Way to go!!
Thanks Jen!
And thanks for driving this crazy train of writers to make the book happen!
Congrats on LTYM! And love being in the book with you.
So glad to be in your company in the book!
Congratulations! Great to meet you yesterday.
Thank you! So nice to meet you too — can’t wait for the show!
Well timed– I was just looking for a new book to read. I will go download it now. Congrats Kim.
Thanks Suzi. Hope you like the book!
Congrats!! Exciting news!
Thanks Tracy!
That’s great news! Being on stage and being published is definitely better than Disneyland. Well done Kim. I can’t wait for the movie version of your life to be made.
Ha. I have many more mishaps to unfold before I can script out that movie.
Mazel tov!
Thanks Suzanne!